Hesperia High School functions on a 6 period (plus a seminar)semester schedule.
Purpose of Seminar: The seminar period or 4th hour can be used to do the following:
1. Get a pass to go to a class that a student is not understanding.
2. Work on Homework.
3. Get remedation.
4. Get help from the assigned seminar teacher.
5. Credit Recovery
6. Read
Hesperia Students can enroll in the following programs:
1. Dual Enrollment through MCC (Junior and Senior years only). Order your texbooks here
2. Internships (Junior and Senior years only).
3. Newaygo Country Career Tech Program-Voc School (Junior and Senior years only).
4. ECNC-Early College Newaygo County (Junior, Senior and a 13th year).
4 year Plan Samples
Click on the link below to see samples of a 4 year plan for students under the Michigan Merit Curriculum.
These are meant to be examples, they can be varied to fit the needs of the student.
4 year plan Non Vocational Track
4 year plan Vocational Track