

Scholarship Tips

Click on the navigation to the left to see available scholarships.

Don't Make This Mistake! Most students use the internet and only the internet to search for and find scholarships.  There are many other methods of finding scholarships though!


Create A New Email! Have you ever come across an email that makes you stop and say, "huh?"  That happens all the time, according to scholarship judges.  Email addresses like  and  do NOT impress, they leave a bad first impression!  If your email address is questionable, be sure to create a new one for all your scholarship searching, to put on your scholarship resume and all applications that you submit.  Make it something that will not make the judges stop and wonder why you didn't take the time to create a new, clean, easy to read and understand, email address.  It's the little things like this that make a BIG difference and helps you win college scholarships.


Little Scholarships Or BIG scholarships? Should you apply for big or little scholarships?  Early on in my scholarship research, I read somewhere that you should only apply for scholarships that are for $5000 or more.  WHAT?  That cuts out like 80% (at least) of all scholarships!  Apply for EVERY scholarship that you qualify for!  Little scholarships DO add up. 


Need-Based Scholarships? Did you know that some "need-based" (they give scholarships to students with financial need) scholarships consider anyone with an income level below $100,000 to be needy?  Don't NOT apply for a need-based scholarship just because you think your parents make too much money!  You never know what income levels they consider "too much" to be qualified to apply for their scholarship.


Don't Pay Someone To Search For You!   No one can guarantee that you'll win a scholarship.  Sure, they can find scholarships for you, but can they write the essays, send the transcripts, include the amazing letters of recommendation?  Nope.  Most of those promises sound too good to be true and they ARE.   


Start Early!   Scholarship deadlines start as early as September of each new school year.  While it's true that a large percentage of scholarship applications are due in the spring, many others are due in the fall and winter months.  Most students are not ready to start applying for scholarships until after the Christmas holidays.  If you start early, your chances of winning those scholarships with early deadlines are automatically greater, since not as may students apply for them.  Why wait?  Learn what it takes to give your scholarship applications the edge it takes to win money for college and be ready for those early deadlines! 


R U Text-Typing?   Well, R U?  When you fill out your scholarship applications, write your essays, and prepare your scholarship resume, leave the text-type in your phone!  i mean it, lol!!!  Ug!  Scholarship judges CRINGE when they read text-type.  The lack of punctuation, non-proper use of capitalization, and mysterious abbreviations for phrases are a red flag and will get your applications thrown right into the "reject" pile.  Sure, texting is fun, but it has no place in your scholarship applications.  So as tempting as it may be to fire off that essay with text-type, be strong and resist. 


Change The Deadline! We all know how busy everyone is these days, and teenagers are especially crazy-busy.  When you see a scholarship that you or your student would like to apply for, plan to send it in a week before the actual due date.




            SCHOOLSOUP.COM is the most comprehensive free online scholarship resource for private and college/university specific scholarships available to assist students in obtaining a higher education. Launched in 2006, has amassed over $40 Billion in scholarship data and is considered the leading source for students and parents searching for scholarships, grants and financial aid.




Scholarships for Michigan Colleges can be found at the following link:  College-Scholarships

Elsewhere on the website College-Scholarships there is a slew of other information which will be helpful
to staff, students, and their families, including links to 70 scholarship search sites, links to colleges
offering programs for students with learning disabilities, Christian colleges, Catholic colleges, accredited online
degree programs, colleges for women, and much, much more.  In addition, the site includes an instant online
GPA calculator which will accommodate up to 50 grades.
